User Interface Motion Prototype



Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning apps available. Duolingo users are loyal to Duo and to expanding their language learning skills.

The goal for this motion prototype for Duolingo was to offer the app's language learners a user-friendly way to deepen their level of understanding by incorporating a vocabulary menu.


Adding this vocabulary page and menu gives learners the ability to listen more closely to new vocabulary words and improve pronunciation skills.

The end result of this project is an animated GIF demonstrating the new user interface prototype in action.


After identifying an opportunity for Duolingo's app to enhance user's experience, I began researching their brand identity and core values. This information was used to create a creative brief as an overview of the brand, their audience, and my objective for this prototype.

Once I had created wireframes exploring multiple ideas and iterations, I came to the final decision and used this as the outline of the high-fidelity wireframing.

The high-fidelity wireframe gave me an opportunity to see the brand's identity and layout in great detail, which resulted in a smooth transition to the designing and animation.

Adobe Illustrator was used to hand-draw all assets and graphics to be placed in the mock phone screen in Adobe After Effects. I added motion to these graphics and assets using animation fundamentals to create a final product of an animated phone screen demonstarting the new interface.


Adobe After Effects | Adobe InDesign | Adobe Illustrator

The final Duolingo project GIF
Final Motion Prototype

The final output of the user interface and motion prototype in the form of an animated GIF. All assests and graphics were hand-made in Illustrator & After Effects.

Tools: Adobe After Effects | Adobe Illustrator

Creative brief document for Duolingo project
Creative Brief

In this creative brief, Duolingo's branding and the project's objective and final output was broken down.

Tools: Adobe InDesign

Low fidelity wireframes for Duolingo project
Low-Fidelity Wireframing

Low-fidelity wireframes were drawn out to visualize motion and layout of the vocabulary page and menu functions.

High fidelity wireframes for Duolingo project
High-Fidelity Wireframes

High-fidelity wireframes were made to visualize a deeper and more accurate representation of the new layout and motion interaction. The high-fidelity wireframing also incorporates branding identity and visuals.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator