Website Design / Development


Green Tongue is a new veggie-based recipe & cooking website. Green Tongue's goal is to grow a community of people looking to add more green foods into their daily lives.

Designing and developing this responsive site was a passion project relating to something I am persoanlly interested in.


Create brand visual identity and incorporate identity in a user-friendly and intuitive site.


Created a moodboard using inspiration from other food websites and explore various font choices and color palettes.

Define brand identity and design low and high fidelity mockups demonstrating layout and interraction process.

Code semantic, responsive site using HTML and CSS.


Visual Studio Code | Adobe Photoshop

Final Green Tongue Mockup
Final Website Design

The final output of the website re-design and development is in the form of a live site. The site can be visited here.

Tools: Visual Studio Code | Adobe Photoshop

Green Tongue moodboard

Using other food websites as sources of inspiration for color and layout.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop

Green Tongue site mockup created in Adobe Photoshop
Website Mockup

High fidelity mockup created using Adobe Photoshop.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop